First Game Jam in the books.

This was Labrow  Game's first ever game, and first ever game jam. We started building this game Friday morning, and here we are watching our views tick up Sunday afternoon. (33 and counting guys!!!)

This game jam had 3 potential themes. Spam, Crash, Theft. 

We had a really nice, fleshed out plan for Spam. Crash we had an idea for how to pivot our idea for spam into a game for the crash theme. Then the theme was posted. It was theft. And the special object was a hat. 

We spent a little while trying to make our original idea pivot even farther, but it just was not going to fit. We decided to take the them of theft, and get a little creative. We wanted to play as an item that was the victim of theft, wanting to return to its rightful owner.  And since the Jam required a Hat as the special object, what better object than a baseball cap. 

We probably had less than 10 hours between us using Godot prior to this Game Jam. I had some experience with an incredible tutorial from Michael Games on Youtube. We purchased some assets on, and got to work with the basics. We learned a ton, and I am pretty proud of what we made. It is not perfect by any means, but 2 days?!? I am pumped. 

We got a new espresso machine Friday too. Learned the hard way that too much espresso can lead to an epic crash, so what was supposed to be an all nighter turned into an early night. 

Biggest thing we learned from the experience, figure out Version Control better. Despite using Github every day for my day job, we fought with it constantly with Godot. We will definitely get this figured out before the next one. 


Ballpark Bandit Play in browser
2 days ago

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